How to use a booking page generator

Learn how to build a page, where people can book a reservation or appointment. How to deal with payments, vouchers and returns!

Bookings - Payments

Payment methods are important both to you as an owner and to your customers. The default payment channel is cash payment. You can easily add more payment channels that you want to make available to...

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"Learn about it"

Bookings - Payments

"Learn about it"

Bookings - Printing

"Learn about it"


"Learn about it"


"Learn about it"


"Learn about it"

Settings - Opening Hours

"Learn about it"

Settings - Delivery

"Learn about it"

Settings - Company profile

"Learn about it"

Settings - Page

"Learn about it"

Settings - Taxes

"Learn about it"

Settings - Domains

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Settings - Appearance

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Marketing - Deals

"Learn about it"

Marketing - Affiliates

"Learn about it"

Marketing - Discount codes

"Learn about it"

Marketing - Banners

"Learn about it"

Marketing - Popups

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Content - Pages

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"Learn about it"


"Learn about it"

APP: General description

"Learn about it"

APP: Bookings

"Learn about it"

APP: Bookings - details

"Learn about it"

APP: Bookings - statuses

"Learn about it"

APP: Bookings - printing

"Learn about it"

APP: QR codes

"Learn about it"

APP: Offers

"Learn about it"

Booking page

With a booking page generator, you can build a website where people can book an appointment, an appointment or rent something from you

Booking page
Booking page
Booking page
Booking page
Booking page
  224 user

How to Manage Bookings in Your Company

How to Manage Bookings in Your Company

Are you looking for ways to streamline the booking process in your company? If so, then this blog post is for you! In this post, we'll cover what a booking is, the benefits of managing bookings, and t