Booking page

With a booking page generator, you can build a website where people can book an appointment, an appointment or rent something from you

Booking page
Booking page
Booking page
Booking page
Booking page
  224 user

With a booking page generator, you can build a website where people can book an appointment, an appointment or rent something from you. It's a system just for you or your entire company.

You can deal with online payments, customer feedback tracking, loyalty cards and more with various integrations. In addition to the generated website, you can use helpful mobile apps that act as a service desk to add bookings that come to you outside of your website.

The system supports all types of reservations.

  • Reservation for days
  • Reservation by the hour
  • Reservation with time slots

We support different booking delivery methods:

  • The client comes to you (in-house)
  • You go to the customers (at the customer's location)
  • Remote booking (with built-in video rooms)

The booking system will help you manage your availability without changing your habits. There are many configuration options that will adapt to your business:

  • You can manage your full calendar
  • You can manage not only you, but also your people
  • You can accept/reject bookings in real time
  • You can build a search engine that looks for an available slot

With the help of this tool, you can build a website with all types of booking calendars:

You have a dedicated web application at your disposal, where you or your employees will be able to manage reservations

You can add a special widget to your website that will allow your customers to book appointments

Customers can make reservations at your office or showroom. They will receive relevant information on how to reach you

You can enable the client to book a visit on which you will come to him. You have a fully functional control system of where you offer your services and what the cost of travel to the customer is

You can arrange virtual visits. Thanks to the built-in video-consultation system, you can talk at the appointed time with the help of the video channel

You can build a booking system based on just one calendar. You also have the option of building many calendars attached to people, services or events. Each of these calendars can be governed by its own laws

You can build a calendar where people can choose a specific time when you have free time on a given day

You can build a calendar in which the client will see the time slot for which he signs up.

You can build a calendar in which the customer will have to select a day range. For example, renting a room or a boat

You can build calendars that will be managed by the employees themselves. They can enter when they have time, they can define their conditions and you manage the terms of their offer, sale and availability. Employees can do it from mobile applications

You have the ability to build and assign calendars to specific services

You can use a simple or complex booking form. Fetch just a few details like name and phone number. But if your business requires it, you can expand this form as you like. Download information about the length of the garden, type of car or number of children per 500+

You can offer your services in free mode, but also force payment for them. Whether in cash or through electronic payment gateways

When making a reservation, the customer can choose additions to the service

If you want, the client can configure his service. By selecting the parameters you specify from the paid and free ones. For example, what hair dye to use, or how many tires he has to replace on the car.

You have a full system of limiting availability at your disposal. You can specify how many slots you serve at the same time (e.g. 2 visits per hour|). You can also specify how many services you can sell in quantity during the day (because, for example, you have so much engine oil in stock)

You can build links for affiliates and pay them for the clients they bring

You can add any subpage to your booking page

Everything you need in on-page marketing

You have a full REST API at your disposal to integrate the booking system with any IT system

You have the option to sync your calendars with google calendar

The system will send all confirmations to customers, and if it has been configured in a way that requires your approval, you have a number of tools to quickly carry out this process with the help of e-mail, website or mobile application

You can manually add reservations, both from the website and the mobile application

You can configure the system so that access to the booking page is only possible when you purchase a subscription from you

To see a demo of one calendar page go here:

To see a demo of the site with many calendars and products:

To see the demo of the widget:

Yes! You have access to a simple website generator, lots of online training and if that doesn't help you, one of our team members will be up to the task

10 minutes… maybe 5 if you want to see results faster. But in fact, getting to know the system will take you a few days, which will allow you to use its full potential

Click "Use this tool", register for free and see more. It's free and you don't commit to anything

Yes you can, but first you need services, calendars and people. Once you set it all up, we'll show you how

Yes! You can not only specify the dates for replacing simple services, such as tires, but also for inspections with additional services, e.g. the customer chooses inspection + paid pad replacement + paid oil change

Yes! The system enables bookings with confirmation and works effectively in several places supporting the operation of all types of offices

Yes! The system is most suitable for booking the date of cosmetic and hairdressing services

Yes suitable! Even in the context of video calls, because they are conducted in a private encrypted Peer-to-Peer channel

Yes! You can set a calendar with day ranges and the system will automatically check the availability of the offer. You can add a number of additional services to increase your monetization potential

Yes! The default configuration is only focused on making it easier for you to manage your private bookings

How to Manage Bookings in Your Company

How to Manage Bookings in Your Company

Are you looking for ways to streamline the booking process in your company? If so, then this blog post is for you! In this post, we'll cover what a booking is, the benefits of managing bookings, and the steps involved in