Blank Course

This course is a blank course! It's designed to show you how the external courses works in rise
Blank Course
Blank Course
Blank Course
Blank Course
Blank Course
  1529 Students

This course has one reason, and one reason only. To show you how the course generator works. You can explore here the construction of the course and see with your own eyes what they are capable of. The first thing to notice before you will enter the cave. There are three types of access levels here:


Sign in accessBuy your accessGet Free Access
You give people login credentials by yourself. They use username and password to enterPeople buy access to this course with their credit cards. Access is granted automatically after confirmationYou give people a fully free access to that resources, without any control over who and for what would like to use it


You fully decide what type of access level you want to use. There are plenty of configuration options like How many times people can access or for how long the access to the course is valid. Your imagination is the limit

Available lessons

Pinned introduction

"To start"

How to start

"Where to do it"

Types of courses

"How it looks"




"How it works"


"Show the links"


"Tell people what to do"

Extra lesson

"Earn access to it"

Secret information

"Complete a course to access"


"Automated messages"

A test



"Manual adding"


"People buy access to course"


"Pay as a donation"


"Your web address"

Course Builder

Create your own online training. Add lessons, task lists, files or webinars to it. Share them with your customers, let them buy

Course Builder
Course Builder
Course Builder
Course Builder
Course Builder
  222 user

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